The Kinetic Chain and How to Apply It

The human body is not made up of isolated segments of muscles, bones, connective tissue, and ligaments. Rather, the body…

Considering Medication for Obesity? Here's What You Need to Know

Embarking on a journey to address obesity through medication is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. In this exploration,…

The Blue Zone Diet: What to Eat to Live Longer

In 2009, my family captured a five-generation photo: five children (ages 5, 2, 2, 2, and 2), myself (age 26),…

Sipping with Intention: The Mindful Drinking Guide

There are a lot of phrases to describe the way we drink or don’t drink alcohol. In fact, it seems…

Mindful Drinking vs. Sober Curiosity: Navigating the Spectrum of Conscious Consumption

In American culture, drinking alcohol is extremely prevalent and is often integrated into regular aspects of life such as celebrations,…