{"id":6532,"date":"2024-06-26T21:12:51","date_gmt":"2024-06-26T21:12:51","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/kevinfell.ca\/?p=6532"},"modified":"2024-06-27T09:01:06","modified_gmt":"2024-06-27T09:01:06","slug":"how-to-buy-a-used-hunting-rifle","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/kevinfell.ca\/index.php\/2024\/06\/26\/how-to-buy-a-used-hunting-rifle\/","title":{"rendered":"How to Buy a Used Hunting Rifle"},"content":{"rendered":"


With the exception of a few, all my guns have previous owners.<\/strong> Most of them I bought while I worked in a gun shop during college or are family heirlooms (which my family also bought used). And I\u2019ve had little to no functional issues with most of these rifles. In fact, some of them are nearly immaculate.<\/p>\n

I actually prefer buying used rifles. Something is alluring about toting a rifle with history, whether it\u2019s a new\/out-of-box return or a scarred-up deer rifle with unknown initials etched into the stock. And because I\u2019ve worked on that side of the business, paying full price for anything is hard.<\/p>\n

Make no mistake, there are plenty of guns lining pawn shop shelves that are better suited for scrap than shooting, and most of these are obvious. Some, not so much. And while (in the famous words of every used firearm salesman) there are no guarantees, these tips can help you find your next used rifle and give it a second life.<\/p>\n

How to Buy a Used Hunting Rifle<\/h2>\n

Buy During the Summer<\/h3>\n

During the summer months, when the fishing slows and hunting seasons are distant thoughts on the horizon, gun sales wane. This can be a killer time to take advantage of slow business and swing a great deal on a rifle.<\/p>\n

During my 5 years working at a gun shop, sales would decline at the end of turkey season until they reached an abysmal low shortly into June. Those summer months were a dead zone until the end of September. Some days, we were lucky to make a handful of sales.<\/p>\n

I saw a single ticket in the sales drawer on the worst days. To encourage sales and move inventory, we\u2019d often select a dozen or so used hunting rifles<\/strong><\/a> and slash their prices (a few below cost). And if someone wanted to haggle the price on other rifles, we would happily oblige.<\/p>\n

We would take offers during the summer that we would readily dismiss during hunting season. And trust me, we weren\u2019t the only gun shop in town doing this. I\u2019m willing to bet your local gun shop probably does something similar.<\/p>\n

Never Pay Sticker Price (Within Reason) for a Used Hunting Rifle<\/h3>\n

Here\u2019s a not-so-secret secret: Gun stores have to make a profit, and this means they charge more than what they pay for someone\u2019s used or pawned gun. It\u2019s a pretty simple business model. This also means they probably have some wiggle room regarding the price.<\/p>\n

Don\u2019t expect to score half off the sticker price, but a few hundred or even $50 off a used hunting rifle adds up.<\/p>\n

Used\/New-in-Box or Returns<\/h3>\n

While working at this same gun shop, I would sometimes have customers return a brand-new rifle. They\u2019d get home only to realize it wasn\u2019t the one they really wanted or cite a financial disagreement with their significant other. Then, we\u2019d have to knock a few bucks off the price and label it \u201cdemo\u201d or used\/new-in-box because it was technically used.<\/p>\n

I\u2019ve spotted countless instances like this wading through gun shops over the years. And while you won\u2019t save a ton, it\u2019s enough for a box of ammo.<\/p>\n

Ask About Used-Buy Policies or Returns<\/h3>\n

There\u2019s always some risk involved with buying a used gun, even when you do your best to check for red flags. Before you drop any cash, make sure you know the return policy, if there is one. \u201cAs-is\u201d guns usually negate any kind of returns, so avoid these unless you\u2019re a gunsmith or you know a good one.<\/p>\n

Check for Previous Owner Alterations<\/h3>\n

One thing you don\u2019t want to buy is someone\u2019s first attempt at gunsmithing. Most gun shops worth anything won\u2019t buy a firearm that\u2019s been noticeably modified (unprofessionally, at least). But every now and then, a few slip under the radar.<\/p>\n

Thankfully, most botched jobs show up cosmetically, and they\u2019re easy to spot. Still, make sure the action operates as designed and double-check the return policy.<\/p>\n

Don\u2019t Forget About ‘Throw-Ins’<\/h3>\n

A lot of local gun stores don\u2019t mind throwing in a box of ammo, scope covers, or a few targets<\/a> after you purchase a gun from them if they don\u2019t offer it right away. If they don\u2019t budge on the price, they\u2019re more likely to give you one of these as a consolation prize.<\/p>\n

I\u2019m not advocating that you always heckle the guys at your local gun shop, but if they cut you a sweet deal, let them know you appreciate it by giving them return business. This is especially true if you plan on adding to your used gun collection in the future.<\/p>\n

What are the laws concerning buying a used rifle?<\/div>\n<\/p><\/div>\n

There are federal, state, and local laws you need to be aware of before you purchase a used hunting rifle. It’s important to check your current local gun laws<\/a>. As of the publication of this article, these are a few of the regulations you need to know.<\/p>\n


Background Checks<\/h4>\n