UK’s new dangerous cycling offence will achieve pretty much nothing | Peter Walker

In the six days since a law to prosecute dangerous cyclists was announced, somewhere close to 30 people will have…

After 30 years, Critical Mass is still fighting for cyclists on London’s roads

Thirteen years ago, riding through central London on my way to meet a friend one evening, I found myself surrounded…

Road casualties have become normal in Britain. But there is another way

Chris Boardman has achieved many things: Olympic champion, successful businessman, head of an active travel quango. But in a muggy…

London’s Tory mayoral candidate is pedalling backwards on cycling policy

Among the political strands exposed by the Conservatives’ decision to pick Susan Hall to stand for London mayor – not…

‘In at the deep end’: ditching the car for a cargo bike on the school run

It’s been 20 years since I last used a bike every day. But I’m returning to cycling because I want…

Pay-per-month pedalling: test-riding five subscription bikes

For people new to cycling, buying a bike can seem daunting. Aside from the outlay, there is maintenance, and what…

Why do traffic reduction schemes attract so many conspiracy theories? | Peter Walker

Jordan Peterson is rarely lacking in strong opinions, but even by the standards of the Canadian psychologist turned hard-right culture…

Ignore false claims and bad journalism – most LTNs do reduce traffic | Andrew Gilligan

I’m starting to wonder if anyone is ever going to make an honest argument against cycling and walking infrastructure again.…

How car culture colonised our thinking – and our language

When we block traffic from a street, like for a sports event or a street party, we say that the…

Why we drew 600-mile long picture of a bicycle across Europe

Daniel Rayneau-Kirkhope and Arianna Casiraghi, accompanied by their dog, Zola, have just finished 4,500-mile (7,250km) bike ride across Europe to…