How car culture colonised our thinking – and our language

When we block traffic from a street, like for a sports event or a street party, we say that the…

Why we drew 600-mile long picture of a bicycle across Europe

Daniel Rayneau-Kirkhope and Arianna Casiraghi, accompanied by their dog, Zola, have just finished 4,500-mile (7,250km) bike ride across Europe to…

RideLondon: it’s all change as cycling festival on closed roads returns

RideLondon is back. After a Covid-enforced hiatus, the closed-roads cycling festival held its first incarnation since 2019 on Sunday, with…

The man challenging anti-cycling trolls to change their ways

“If someone deletes their comment, that’s success for me,” says Andrew Tierney. “Hopefully, that person will think about what they’re…

Has the Times declared war on cyclists?

Even in the context of the UK media’s famously curious coverage of everyday cycling, this was a surprise. Away from…

Common myths about what UK Highway Code changes will mean

There is, we are told in the Daily Mail, “fury” over changes to the Highway Code. There is “confusion” among…

How a myth about London bike lanes and congestion took off

Fairly early on Monday morning last week I got a call from a radio station: could I come on to…

The bikelash paradox: how cycle lanes enrage some but win votes

Every politician knows the word “bikelash”. From Milan to London, from Sydney to Vancouver, reallocating public space from motor vehicles…

Why aren’t more big bike firms tracking their environmental impact?

Trek, one of the world’s biggest bicycle brands, recently released its sustainability report for 2021. Remarkably, this appears to be…

Hastily abandoned low-traffic schemes could cost councils funding

Councils which rip out cycle lanes or low-traffic neighbourhoods before giving them a chance to work or without evidence they…